These pages contain pictures of the former air base at Rothwesten taken by Silvia in May, 2013. She found easy access this time since the gate had been taken down. She took pictures of most areas of the base. She stated that, in many cases, there appeared to be deterioration due to neglect.

Below is a link to a street map of the base. It names each building by the use of an alphanumeric symbol. For example: the Air Police building is A1, Starlight Theater is M1, Snack Bar is A6 and the motor pool T11.

The first picture is of the Air Police building (A1) at left, the theater (M1) straight ahead and HQ (S1) at right. I can't recall this pathway but it leads back to barracks U1, next picture.

Map of the base (opens in a new window)

A left click will show the map and with a right click you can save it using the option "save target as".

Barracks U1 at right. On the left is A3, the 601st HQ prior to sometime in 1955. Straight ahead is A5, Officers Club.

Moving down the same road to barracks U3 at right, U4 next on right and the Officers Club straight ahead.

Entrance to the Officers Club

View of the rear of the Officers Club

Officers Club terrace

After doing an about face, we see,
on the left, the rear of A3, the prior HQ building. In the center is U9 and to the right is U8.

This complete structure is indicated as A6 on the map. The left section housed the EM Club on the ground floor. The NCO Club and the chapel were upstairs.

The section on the right was the Snack Bar, where we went to eat when the mess hall was serving C rations.

I don't remember the middle part. Maybe it was added later?

Inside the EM Club

The Snack Bar

Building A6 is now to the right. The clock is also part of the structure and is located at the corner of the EM Club.

Down this street on the right side is the Dispensary (A2) . The road eventually curves to the left (at least it used to) and goes by the back side of the Motor Pool and at that point would exit the back gate. When we went out the back gate, we were usually on our way to Gunpost.

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