Robert Thomson left the following entry in the guestbook.

"I arrived at Rothwesten in October 1948 at age 17 and left three years later in October 1951. I have many fond memories of this great assignment. I was a radar operator at Gunpost and remember most of the traffic being the Berlin Airlift."
Robert contributes the following photos. His words describe them.


I am on the right. The other person might be Robb?



The Snack Bar





My car. A 1935 Ford V8 with right hand steering. Took a while to get used to that.



I can't remember any names.



A barracks room



My wrecked weapon's carrier. It was stolen from me while I was on duty at the radar site (Gunspost). It hit a tree not far from the base. There were three men in it, all of which I considered good friends. The driver, nicknamed "Tiny" for his large size, was the driver and was killed at the scene. The other two were very seriously injured. I held nothing against them. I was given use of an old motor pool shop and rebuilt the truck.


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